District Growth

Over the last decade ECISD enrollment increased by 3,818 students. That’s about 400 new students every year and a total growth of 11% in a short perdiod of time. If ECISD continues to grow at this rate ECISD will have over 38,000 students by 2035.

Students Added in 10 years

Total ECISD Enrollment Last 10 Years

Portable Requirements

As the city grows so does the student population and ECISD is seeing more and more students every year. Even without the passing of the Bond ECISD has a capacity issue and will need more portables at many facilities including the high schools, middle schools and even elementary schools. A single portable has a 25-student capacity and they supplement general classrooms at overcrowded schools but do nothing to help alleviate overcrowding of areas like the cafeteria, gym, and support spaces. A new portable costs $120,000 or more to purchase but many facilities such as Bowie Middle School don’t have enough room to add more to their facility.