Here are the Election Results!
Prop A 56.83% For to 43.16% Against(PASSED!)
Prop B 47.94% For to 52.06% Against(FAILED)
Prop C 45.87 For to 54.13% Against(FAILED)

- New Career & Technical Education Center in South Odessa/Ector County
- New middle school far West Odessa
- Maintenance and Repairs that touch every instructional facility
- Complete renovations of PHS auditorium and JROTC facility
- New Bus Repair Facility
- Ag Farm upgrades
- LED lighting at PHS and OHS baseball stadiums
- New Transition Learning Center for special needs learning students
- Safety and Security Upgrades
- Fine Arts department needs
- Athletics needs at schools

- Upgrades at 45 year old Ratliff Stadium
- Concrete overlay of bleachers
- Update restrooms and meet ADA requirements
- LED lighting for stadium parking lot
- LED lighting at track/field event venue
- Air conditioning/heating for South Building Locker Rooms
- Replace one grass field with artificial turf

- Investment in Athletics including Indoor Practice Facility at Odessa High School
- Add new turf at Permian High School

Safety & Security
Fine Arts
Did you know?
Since 2020, ECISD has made early payments of $37.3 million in existing bonds, and by prepayment and refinancing, eliminated $26.9 million in future interest payments. Based upon the district’s existing tax base, the district would not need to increase the total tax rate of $1.17792 to pay the $436,109,000 of bond projects.

Did you know?

New middle school in far West Odessa
- 1000 students will attend the first neighborhood middle school outside of loop 338
- Relieve middle school overcrowding
- Decrease drive time for far West Odessa while
- Creating more opportunities to feed OHS through a new comprehensive middle school (athletics, fine arts, ect.) outside of Loop 338

cradle to career
Four years ago, ECISD began the school year with more than 350 empty classrooms, that’s an 18% teacher vacancy rate. Today, ECISD began the year with only 1% of its teaching positions unfilled. That’s because the OC/UTPB partnership lets students seeking a teaching degree to fast track their studies.
Odessa Pathway to Teaching uses specialized, researched-based training programs that focuses on the most important skills effective educators bring to their classrooms.
Did you know?
There currently isn’t a middle school outside of loop 338. There is an estimated 31,927 residents in West Odessa according to census data and for some the closest middle school is more than a 20 minute drive.
The last middle school built in Ector County was Crockett in 1982. Since then the census estimates Ector County has added 49,797 or 43% growth.
On October 10th the ECISD School Board Trustees voted 7-0 to authorize the negotiation and execution of a contract for 40 acres on South Tipp Avenue. This site would be the location of the new middle school in west Ector County, if Proposition A is approved by voters.

New Career & Technical Education Center in South Odessa/Ector County
- Will house 400 full-time students and 2,000 CTE students
- 10,908 students participated in CTE last year in ECISD with 1,683 participating in dual credit
- CTE currently housed at New Tech Odessa will be a part of the consolidation allowing for a middle school component on New Tech Odessa campus
- 29% higher graduation rate than core students who are workforce ready
- Consolidate many of the 7 different sites and add new programs to the existing 27 CTE programs
- From cradle to career CTE brings a much needed skilled workforce to Ector County
- Permian Strategic Partnership financial pledge
Did you know?
On October 11th Grow Odessa and Ector County ISD announced the donation of 37.9 acres of land near the corner of Murphy Street and South Meadow Avenue for a new career and technical education facility.
ECISD not having to buy the land allows for the money designated in Proposition A for the Career and Technical Education facility property to be applied to the new facility buildout.

Growing our own
Believing our students are the future, the mission is to inspire and challenge every student to be prepared for success and to be adaptable in an ever-changing society.
Did you know?
Maintenance and Repairs that touch every instructional facility
- ECISD operates 60 facilities with an average age of educational facilities being 52 years old
- Every school will be touched with life safety and/or critical infrastructure replacement and upgrades
- ECISD completed major maintenance on roof and HVAC replacement, upgrade energy management controls, security fencing, and led lighting upgrades since 2017
Did you know?
The average age of a school in the U.S. is 42 years while the average age of ECISD schools is 52 years. School buildings begin to deteriorate rapidly after 40 years if not well maintained.
Average Age of Buildings
Athletics(Prop A)
- LED lighting at the Permian and Odessa High School baseball stadiums
- LED lighting for Odessa High tennis and resurface tennis courts at the middle schools
- Replacement of indoor bleachers in main gyms of all middle schools
Ratliff Stadium(PropB)
- Concrete overlay of bleachers
- update restrooms to meet ADA
- LED lighting for stadium parking lot
- LED lighting at track/field event venue
- Air conditioning/heating for south building locker rooms
- Replace one grass field with artificial turf

Athletics(Prop C)
- Indoor Practice Facility at Odessa High School
- Add new turf at Permian High School
Graduation Rate
Did you know?
Fine Arts

- Replace outdated instruments, all middle school choir risers, classroom instruments for elementary campuses, and uniforms for middle school band/mariachi
- Meet the JROTC facility needs at OHS and PHS
- Students in Fine Arts achieve a +95% graduation rate for the 9,613 students in the program
Complete renovation of the Permian Auditorium
- Complete renovation of the Permian Auditorium
- Students in Fine Arts achieve a +95% graduation rate for the 9,613 students in the program

Did you know?
ECISD owns 3,225 instruments and some were originally purchased in 1949. Last year 9,613 students participate in Fine Arts or nearly a third of the district and of those that participate have a +95% graduation rate.
Graduation Rate
Fine Arts Students
Participated in Fine Arts

New Bus Repair Facility
- New Transportation facility $35M and 2.45M bus purchases
- Originally built as an airport hangar/office will be rebuilt for the 170 bus fleet
Ag Farm Upgrades
- Upgrade the 25 acres in West Odessa for animal science and plant science CTE pathways
- Building upgrades, Electrical updates
- Classroom portable updates

Safety and Security Upgrades
- Security camera refresh and expansion of existing security systems
- Upgrade existing aged out public announcement, bell, clock systems, and fire alarms
New Transition Learning Center
- 18+ year olds services bridges the gap for special needs learning students to jobs, connections, and support they’ll need for adulthood

Did you know?
ECISD has an 18-21 year old program providing services that lead students to jobs, connections, and supports they’ll need for adulthood including life skills and help with job placement.

Did you know?
The ECISD Bond package would result in an overall tax bill decrease due to the Homestead Exemption. With no increase in the current Voter Approved Tax Rate homeowners now enjoy a $100k Homestead exemption.
These new savings have already been applied to your upcoming property taxes and can be checked here.
A new state law requires all school bond propositions include ballot language that reads, “This is a property tax increase.” Passing this bond will not increase your current school district tax obligation for your property taxes but must be included due to more debt being taken on for a longer term by the district.
Read more on our Tax Information page.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Didn't the district just have a recent bond election? They shouldn’t need another one!
The last time ECISD passed a bond for major facility builds and upgrades was in 2012.
PHS and OHS received new academic wings and 3 elementary schools where built under that bond. Since then ECISD has 3,818 more students, a 12.87% increase. To put that into perspective PHS had almost that exact amount of students at 3,855, ECISD basically added a PHS in enrollment in a decade.
How did the District get their 4 years straight of A+ financial rating?
Since 2019/2020 ECISD has decreased the debt by 16.7% where the prior 4 years they hardly paid anything down and were mostly paying on interest. This was one of the bigger reasons their financial rating changed but the state also requires a minimum reserve of cash on hand to meet expenditures and ECISD was struggling with this in the past. Not only did they pay down debt at an expedited rate since 2019 but they increased their cash reserves by $21.3 million or 23.9%, required by guidelines, in that time.
Compared to other districts in Texas, ECISD is well above the norm with their A+ rating and this affords them a better bond yield when they go to the bond market, similar to an individual having a higher credit score receiving a better interest rate.
Don't all bonds raise taxes?
While on the subject have you had a chance to check your Ector County ISD tax rate after the new homestead exemptions have been applied? Most homeowners tax rate has drastically decreased, you can check yours here.
Should school districts carry debt?
In order to fund construction of new schools, construction to renovate older campuses, replacement of expensive life-cycle systems, and additional capital projects a school district carries debt to meet the needs of its students. The Texas Permanent School Fund (PSF) was created by Texas Legislature in 1854 and guarantees bonds issued by a school district or charter school. The district has made strides in their financial rating, similar to a credit rating for an individual, allowing for better rates on the interest of new bonds issued. ECISD budgets and financials’ can be found here.
Why did ECISD repay debt early?
Paying off ECISD debt early is much like a homeowner making extra payments towards their mortgage. Instead of your 30-year mortgage lasting for 30 years, it may only last for 20 years.